Injured Abandoned Dog Steps Toward Rescuers With The Hope Of Having Better Life

Dogs are not only adorable but also loyal creatures, and they deserve to be loved. It breaks our heart when we see dogs who struggle in the open air to fend for themselves. And the sad fact is those are abandoned by their owners who should love them most. The poor little pup in this story experienced horrible things, and he was dumped on the streets like garbage.

The rescuers felt heartbroken when they found the dog. He suffered from mange due to fleas that covered his all body. His small legs were inflamed seriously that he could hardly walk. He was in a really bad situation.

They fondly gave him a nice name Leonard and took him to the rescue center. They helped him took a shower. There was medicated shampoo in the bath so his mange would be treated properly. Then they gave him a good meal. A few days later, Leonard’s status became better. It was not easy for him to totally recovered in a short time, but he began to improve.

Realizing that he was in a safe place and finally loved, Leonard now showed his true colors. Terrible things that happened to him were left in the past.


In the beginning, he was doubtful because he was betrayed so many times. But as time went by, it seemed like he forgot about all the bad memories and started to trust humans around him. He realized that people in the center were good ones so he grew closer to them.

Leonard looked so cute when he was put in little coasts and sweaters. His caregivers chose that for him to keep him warm.

Needless to say, Leonard was a great dog. He needed to have an eternal home. Fortunately, a kind-hearted woman came into his life and gave him a second chance. When they met, it looked like they were born to belong to each other. Such a good match!

Leonard was so happy. He finally found a person who would give him forever love. And he

deserved it.

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