In the midst of pouring rain, police officers came to the aid of an abandoned dog and gave it a warm, loving home

When police officer Michael Pascale first encountered Joey, it was a cold, wet afternoon. He was driving his patrol car through a public park when he noticed a small black dog crouching among used syringes and broken beer bottles.

Officer Pascale noticed that the dog was tied to a fence with a chain around its neck. Joey was soaked, shivering, and clearly abandoned.

“He just looked at me with those eyes that said ‘help me,’” Pascale explained to The Dodo. “The first thing I thought was that I needed to get him out of there.”

From Lost and Wet to Safe and Dry

Joey was brought to the Animal Care Centers of NYC shelter in Brooklyn by the official animal lover. He could feel a special connection forming between them as he dried the grateful dog with a towel.

“I don’t see an animal,” Pascale explained. “I see a soul. And that’s not something I avoid.”

He sent a photo of the heartbroken puppy to his wife. “Bring him home!” she said immediately. The couple quickly agreed to adopt Joey if they could overcome a small obstacle.

72 Hours Feel Like An Eternity

Officer Pascale was informed by ACC that Joey would have to remain in his custody for a mandatory 72-hour period to verify if he had an owner. No matter how neglected or abused an animal appears, there could be a distraught owner looking for it. The waiting period allows time for your lost or stolen pet to be found and come forward.

Officer Pascale promised to return after a painful farewell between the two of them. He kept his promise and returned the next day, and the next. They grew closer with each visit.

Eventually, the waiting period was lifted and Pascale was able to adopt Joey. When the formalities were completed, Joey was taken out to say goodbye to Pascale.

Officer Pascale vowed to keep him safe and never allow him to experience cruelty or abandonment again, as the cheerful dog gave him kisses. They then returned home to start their new life together.

A Perfectly Imperfect Ending

Where once there was a hungry and fearful stray dog, there is now a powerful and valued pet. Joey enjoys touring New York with his dad and cuddling on the couch with his mom. Officer Pascale points out that he has become truly spoiled by his mother.

Joey is a good dog, in fact his Instagram account is @JoeyGoodDoggo, but he is not perfect. He sometimes goes through the garbage and even doesn’t like to go out when it rains, but he is happy. And he is very loved.

And that’s all any puppy really wants.

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